In early December 2019; The New York Times contacted Antoine Gaber. He was asked to contribute to the famous muralist Rina Lazo’s obituary article written by Jillian Steinhauer and published on line on the 18th December 2019 and in print on Dec. 20, 2019, Section B, Page 14 of the New York edition with the… Continue Reading
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WATER FOR LIFE, INTERNATIONAL ART EXHIBITION 2018: Message from John Tory, Mayor of Toronto
His Worship John Tory Mayor of the city of Toronto 10 October 2018 Message from John Tory, Mayor of Toronto Its my pleasure to extend greetings and a warm welcome to everyone attending the Breast Cancer Society of Canada’s Passion for Life / Water for Life, International Art Exhibition. Tonight’s event provides a wonderful opportunity… Continue Reading
WATER FOR LIFE, INTERNATIONAL ART EXHIBITION 2018: Message from Honourable, Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario
Honourable Doug Ford Premier of the Province of Ontario October 10-15, 2018 A MESSAGE FROM THE PREMIER DOUG FORD I’m pleased to extend greetings to everyone taking part in the art exhibitions Water for Life and Passion for Life, held in support of the Breast Cancer Society of Canada (BCSC). I applaud all those who… Continue Reading
Antoine Gaber, ” PASSION FOR LIFE “, International Solo Art Exhibition at the Senate of the Republic of Mexico

Title Antoine Gaber, ” PASSION FOR LIFE “, International Solo Art Exhibition Mexico 2017, under the Patronage of the Senator Luz María Beristain Navarrete and the support of Prof. Matty Roca, International Art Critic, in collaboration with Angelina Herrera International Cultural Promoter / Event Coordinator Venue Senate of the Republic of Mexico, Asta Bandera Av. Paseo de… Continue Reading
Exhibitions in Museums & Prestigious International Spaces, Senate of the Republic of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico

Antoine Gaber, “PASSION FOR LIFE”, International Solo Art Exhibition Mexico 2017, under the Patronage of the Senator Luz María Beristain Navarrete Continue Reading
Recognition as the first Canadian Artists ever to join the prestigious artist group of the “MIRADA COLOSAL””

During Gaber International Solo Exhibition of his recent artworks at the prestigious Senate of the Republic of Mexico, in Mexico City, Art Critic from Mexico Prof. Berta Taracena made the official announcement, inviting Antoine Gaber to become the first Canadian Artists ever, to join the prestigious artist group of the “MIRADA COLOSAL”. This elite group… Continue Reading
Senator Recognition given on behalf of the Government of Mexico for the International solo Exhibition “PASSION FOR LIFE” at the Senate of the Republic

On behalf of the Government of Mexico a special recognition given by the Senator Beristain Navarrete for his participation at the International solo Exhibition “PASSION FOR LIFE” at the Senate of the Republic of Mexico. Continue Reading
Antoine Gaber PASSION FOR LIFE, National Archaeological Museum of Florence, Florence, Italy

Title Antoine Gaber PASSION FOR LIFE fundraising for cancer Research to the benefit of Fondazione Farmacogenomica Fiorgen Onlus Venue Museo archeologico di Firenze (National Archaeological Museum (Florence)) Location Florence, Italy Continue Reading
Antoine Gaber PASSION FOR LIFE at the Biennale Internazionale dell’ Arte Contemporanea 9th Edition, Florence, Italy

Title Antoine Gaber PASSION FOR LIFE fundraising for cancer Research to the benefit of Fondazione Farmacogenomica Fiorgen Onlus, at the Biennale Internazionale dell’ Arte Contemporanea 9th Edition. Venue Fortezza da Basso di Firenze (Florence) CATALOGUE OF THE EXHIBITION Location Florence, Italy Continue Reading
Antoine Gaber, ” PASSION FOR LIFE “, University of Guelph Humber Gallery, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Title Antoine Gaber, ” PASSION FOR LIFE “, Canadian Artist Retrospective collection of his artwork: Painting / Photography Solo Exhibition Venue University of Guelph Humber Gallery Location Toronto, Ontario, Canada Continue Reading