
Antoine Gaber “Water for Life”, Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte
Mostra collettiva con il Patrocinio di Sua Eccellenza il Sindaco delle Cascate del Niagara, Jim Diodati

The Patron of the Water for Life, International Art Exhibition, First Edition, the Mayor of Niagara Falls, Jim Diodati, with Antoine Gaber.


Water for Life, international Art Exhibition, First Edition, opening at the Niagara Falls History Museum, Niagara Falls.


Water for Life, international Art Exhibition, First Edition, opening at the Niagara Falls History Museum, Niagara Falls.


Water For Life – International Art Exhibition – May 12 2018


Water for Life, international Art Exhibition, First Edition, opening at the Niagara Falls History Museum, Niagara Falls.


Water for Life, International Art Exhibition, First Edition, with some of the participating artists.
The Patron of the Water for Life, International Art Exhibition, First Edition, the Mayor of Niagara Falls, Jim Diodati, with Angelina Herrera and Antoine Gaber during the opening.


The Patron of the Water for Life, International Art Exhibition, First Edition, the Mayor of Niagara Falls, Jim Diodati, with Antoine Gaber during the opening.