
In 2006, Gaber, contributed in the development of a special painting used as the cover image design for a patient education book on Familial Colorectal Cancer titled “Colorectal Cancer Can Run in the Family “. Colorectal Cancer Can Run in the Family, a book containing 13 chapters written by the field’s foremost specialists from around the world, provides a straightforward explanation of the disease, which has been one of the most tabooed types of cancer. The book aims at informing patients and their families about the risk factors associated with the disease (and genetically related risks) and advocates early detection in the near future.

The first book print-run of over 30,000 copies has first been released in English speaking Countries around the world. At a later date, the book will be published in other languages such as: French, Hebrew, German, Spanish, Italian, Japanese and Chinese.

Gaber’s book covers artwork, can also be used for the production of posters to be displayed and used during International Scientific Conferences, Hospitals or Institutes around the world, as a tool to facilitate Healthcare Professionals communications with the patients, concerning their risk of developing the disease.