Antoine Gaber “Passion for Life”
Painting Exhibition in Sanremo, Italy.
Antoine Gaber “Passion for Life”
Painting Exhibition in Sanremo, Italy.
Solo Exhibition
The organizers of the exhibition, Floriviera, are promoted by the Comune di Sanremo and by Sanremo Promotion, with the patronage of the Ministero delle Politiche Agricole and the support of the Distretto Florivivaistico, the Regione Liguria, the Provincia di Imperia, the C.C.I.A.A. and the Prefetto di Imperia.
Gaber will contribute an important percentage of the sales of his paintings from his exhibition in Sanremo. Proceeds will go to the Lega Antitumori, (cancer research charity based in Sanremo).
Fioritec – Festival dei Fiori
Mercato dei Fiori
Via Q. Mansuino, 12
Via Q. Mansuino, 12
Antoine Gaber with the First Prize award for his fundraising initiative for the Lega Antitumori and the promotion of the Sanremo Flower Festival
Sanremo, Region of Luguria, Provincia di Imperia, Italy
Sanremo, Region of Luguria, Provincia di Imperia, Italy