
We are pleased to announce that “Water for Life” International Art Exhibition, Eighth Edition, will be held at the prestigious Museum Maya in Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico.

The Exhibition will take place from April 11th – April 28th, 2024, supporting the International Water Day on March 22nd, 2024.

In this Eighth Edition, “Water for Life” main objectives are to create awareness and increase respect of the environment, while protecting water sources in this important touristic area, particularly due to Global Climate Changes affecting sargassum seaweed invasion on several Coast lines.
The devastating sargassum blooms, likely fueled by changing ocean circulation patterns and nutrient runoff from increased industrial activity, the aggressive proliferation of sargassum seaweed has inundated coastlines all over the world. Swaths of the Caribbean shores are continually covered by rotting algae, disrupting communities and industries that depend on a healthy ocean.

As sargassum accumulates, its overgrowth indiscriminately entangles coastal marine life — trapping dolphins and turtles in deadly natural nets. Seaweed decomposing along the beach acidifies the water, bleaching corals and depleting fish stocks.
The blooms threaten vital fishing and tourism industries and have cascading effects across the Atlantic. The influx of sargassum is just one of the destructive impacts of climate change on small islands and coastal communities.
Water for Life Exhibition will showcase the work of multiple international artists that highlights a series of artworks inspired by the theme of water. It is important to mention that all distinguished participating artists in the “Water for Life” International Art Exhibitions, are selected based on their recognition by international art critics.
We are pleased to share that our main partners include the Center of UNESCO in Florence (Italy), the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH), the Museum Maya, in Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico, the Gobierno Municipal de Cancún, and the State of Quintana Roo.

Through the theme of water, our objective is to sensitize audiences to an important social and cultural issue: “More than a billion individuals – one in seven people on the planet – now lack access to safe drinking water. “
Today due to climate change, higher temperatures are affecting Oceans and Coast lines. Changes in extreme weather conditions are projected to affect availability and distribution of rainfall, snowmelt, river flows, groundwater, and further deteriorate water quality. More floods and severe droughts are predicted. Also changes in water availability will impact health and food security.
In this 8th Edition, we hope that, “Water for Life” will help sensitize people about Global Climate Changes currently affecting the Oceans, Coast lines and other water sources to maintain safe drinking water for the future.

In this 8th Edition, “Water for Life" main objectives are to create awareness about protecting water sources in this touristic area, particularly due to Global Climate Changes affecting sargassum seaweed invasion on several Coast lines.