WATER FOR LIFE, INTERNATIONAL ART EXHIBITION, 5th Edition 2023, 4th Edition 2022: Message from Dr. Vittorio Gasparrini, President, Club per l’UNESCO di Firenze

Among the 17 objectives of the Agenda 2030, it is important to mention the right to access clean drinking water, and climate changes issues.

UNESCO established two International programs; the World Water Day, and the Man and Biosphere (MAB). In Tuscany the Biosphere Reserve of the Tuscan Archipelago significantly represents the relationship between the marine and coastal environment, the aquatic life in sweet water and in the oceans, which are one of the fundamental goals of UNESCO. 

UNESCO pays particular attention to the tropical environment, for which they created a specific day dedicated to the mangrove ecosystems.

“Water for Life” International Art Exhibitions, combine the care of water and the environment through the artistic expression, focusing on water issues and their landscapes. For the UNESCO the artistic expression represents a mean of dialogue through which one may express themselves regardless of their own cultural identity using a universal language that is accessible to everyone while allowing to express openly one’s thoughts.

When I met the “Water for Life” International Art Exhibitions Team in November 2019 in Florence, I decided to collaborate, starting with the creation of a memorandum of understanding between us, and I hope in future such cooperation could develop with other Unesco Clubs in Tuscany, UNESCO University Chairs dealing with water issues, Italian National Commission for the UNESCO and Mexican National Commission for UNESCO, and UNESCO itself. The Club for UNESCO of Florence, under the patronage of the Italian National Commission for the UNESCO, shares the same ideals as the “Water for Life” International Art Exhibitions introducing in their events a great variety of beautiful natural landscapes linked to the water world.  

Hoping to meet again with Antoine Gaber and Angelina Herrera, whom we followed via social media. This event will strengthen our collaboration with the City of Florence, also considered a UNESCO World Heritage.

Dr. Vittorio Gasparrini

President, Club per l’UNESCO di Firenze

“Water for Life” Children and Adolescent Art Workshop Exhibition, at the Palazzo Vecchio, Salone Dei 500 , in Florence, Italy. Angelina Herrera, Barbara Felleca, Municipal Councilor City of Florence, Antoine Gaber, Vittorio Gasparrini, President of the UNESCO Center of Florence.

Among the 17 objectives of the Agenda 2030, it is important to mention the right to access clean drinking water, and climate changes issues.

UNESCO established two International programs; the World Water Day, and the Man and Biosphere (MAB). In Tuscany the Biosphere Reserve of the Tuscan Archipelago significantly represents the relationship between the marine and coastal environment, the aquatic life in sweet water and in the oceans, which are one of the fundamental goals of UNESCO. 

UNESCO pays particular attention to the tropical environment, for which they created a specific day dedicated to the mangrove ecosystems.

“Water for Life” International Art Exhibitions, combine the care of water and the environment through the artistic expression, focusing on water issues and their landscapes. For the UNESCO the artistic expression represents a mean of dialogue through which one may express themselves regardless of their own cultural identity using a universal language that is accessible to everyone while allowing to express openly one’s thoughts.

When I met the “Water for Life” International Art Exhibitions Team in November 2019 in Florence, I decided to collaborate, starting with the creation of a memorandum of understanding between us, and to also share with the other Clubs of Tuscany, and the Italian National Commission for the UNESCO, and the UNESCO itself. Since the Center for UNESCO, under the patronage of the Italian National Commission for the UNESCO, shares the same ideals as the “Water for Life” International Art Exhibitions introducing in their events a great variety of beautiful natural landscapes linked to the water world.   

Hoping to meet again with Antoine Gaber and Angelina Herrera, whom we followed via social media during the pandemic, for the celebration of the next International World Water Day on March 22, 2022, during the great event planned at Villa Demidoff, one of the Medici Villas in the site of the Ville e Giardini Medicei, a UNESCO World Heritage. Conceived by Cosimo I dei Medici, and known for being linked to water and for its esoteric and philosophical design and later for the, transformation done in the park by the Demidoff family. This event will strengthen our collaboration with the City of Florence, also considered a UNESCO World Heritage, and the site of the Ville e Giardini Medicei.

Dr. Vittorio Gasparrini

President, Center for UNESCO of Florence Onlus